Welcome to
FANGAS maior
Welcome to
fangas maior

A gastronomic experience in the heart of Coimbra
Fangas Maior is a typical restaurant, with a differentiated proposal, offering dishes made with typically Portuguese products, carefully presented, integrated in a different presentation, based on the concept of tapas and snacks.



enjoy an singular

About us
To be a reference in the Coimbra region, for offering quality dishes and snacks, as well as a distinguished wine list, in an established space in a place of high historical value.
Ensure a unique gastronomic experience, offering dishes made from national and typical products, always striving for personalized and proximity service.
Commitment | Quality | Confidence | Transparency | Proximity
Appetizers | Aperitif
Flute de Espumante Caves de São João €4,00
Glass of Sparkling Wine Caves de São João | Verre de Vin Pétillant Caves de São João
Moscatel de Setúbal, Limão e Gelo €4,00
Moscatel de Setúbal (Muscat), Lemon and Ice | Moscatel de Setúbal (Muscat), Citron et Glace
Porto Tónico €6,00
Port and Tonic | Porto-tonic
Gin Tónico €8,00
Gin and Tonic | Gin-tonic
Starters | Entreés
Menu Degustação €16,00
Degustation Menu | Menu Dégustation
Tábua de Queijos e Enchidos Nacionais €22,00
Traditional Sausages and Cheeses Selection | Sélection de Fromage et Fumoir Traditionnel
Azeitonas Marinadas com Alho, Gengibre e Malagueta €4,00
Marinated Olives with Garlic, Ginger and Chilli | Olives Marinées à l'ail, au Gingembre et au Piment
Pão de Alho com Azeite e Oregãos €3,50
Garlic Bread with Olive Oil and Oregano | Pain à l'Ail, Huile d'Olive et Origan
Cesto de Pão €2,00
Bread's basket | Corbeille à pain
Tradicional Sausages
Chouriço Tradicional Assado €9,50
Traditional Baked Sausage ! Saucisson Traditionnel Grillé
Morcela de Arroz Assada €9,00
Baked Rice and Meat Sausage | Boudin au Riz grillé
Alheira de Caça Assada €9,80
Hunted Meat Roast Sausage | Saucisson de Gibier Sauvage et Pain
Alheira de Mirandela Assada €9,50
Mirandela Roast Sausage | Saucisson Typique
Presunto €8,00
Smoked Ham | Jambon Fumée
Tábua de Enchidos Nacionais €14,50
Traditional Sausages Selection | Sélection de Fumoir Traditionnel
Cheeses | Fromage
Queijo da Serra da Estrela €8,00
"Serra da Estrela " Cheese | Fromage “Serra da Estrela”
Queijo Rabaçal €7,00
"Rabaçal" Cheese | Fromage “Rabaçal”
Queijo de Ovelha em Azeite, Oregãos e Malagueta €7,50
Sheep Cheese in Olive Oil, Oregano and Chilli | Brebis en Marinade d'Huile d'Olive, Origan et Chili
Queijo de Cabra em Azeite, Alecrim e Malagueta €7,50
Goat Cheese in Olive Oil, Rosemary and Chilli | Chévre en Marinade d'huile d'Olive, Romarin et Chili
Tábua de Queijos Nacionais €16,00
Cheeses Selection | Sélection de Fromage
Requeijão com Doce de Abóbora e Amêndoa €7,50
Cottage Cheese with Pumpkin Jam and Almond | Fromage Blanc avec Confiture de Citrouille et Amande
Our customers suggest | Nos clients suggèrent
Bacalhau Fresco com Puré de Grão de Bico €13,50
Fresh Cod Filet with Chickpea Puree | Filet de Morue Fraîche avec Purée de Pois Chiches
Peito de pato com Beterraba e Figos €14,50
Duck Breast with Beets and Figs | Poitrine de Canard, Betterave et Figues
Mexilhões no Forno €13,00
Mussels in the Oven | Moules au Four
Specialties | Gourmandises
Cogumelos com Alheira, Malagueta e Amêndoa €9,30
Stuffed Mushrooms with Sausage and Almond | Champignons Farcis avec Saucisse et Amandes
Salada de Cavala, Manjericão e Tomate Cereja €8,50
Mackerel Salad, Basil and Cherry Tomato | Salade de Maquereau, Tomate Cerise et Basilic
Feijoada de Cogumelos €9,00
Mushrooms and White Beans Stew | Ragoût de Champignons et Haricots
Salteado de Legumes €7,00
Sautéed Vegetables | Légumes Sautés
Salada Fresca com maçã e Amêndoa €5,00
Fresh Apple and Almond Salad | Salade Fraîche avec des Pommes et des Amandes
Batata no Forno com Alho e Oregãos €5,00
Potato in the Oven with Garlic and Oregano | Pommes de Terre au Four avec Ail et Origan
Beringela Gratinada com Queijo Flamengo €7,00
Gratin Aubergine with Cheese Flamengo | Gratin d'Aubergine au Fromage Flamengo
Terrina de Legumes e Massa fresca €8,50
Chestnuts and Caramelized Onions | Casserole de Légumes et Pâtes fraîches
Castanhas com Cebola Caramelizada €8,00
Chestnuts and Caramelized Onions | Châtaignes et Oignons Caramélisés
Camarão ligeiramente Picante no Espeto €17,50
Spicy Shrimp on Skewer | Brochette de Crevettes Épicées
For children and adults too...
Pour les enfants et les adultes aussi...
Toasts & Bruschettas
Queijo da Serra da Estrela €6,00
"Serra da Estrela " Cheese | Fromage “Serra da Estrela”
Queijo da Serra com Presunto €7,50
Ham and "Serra da Estrela" Cheese | Fromage “Serra da Estrela” et Jambon Fumée
Bruschetta de Chouriço com Tomate €6,00
"Chouriço" and Tomato Bruschetta | Bruschetta au Tomate et Chorizo Traditionnel
Bruschetta de Sardinha com Queijo da Ilha €6,00
Sardines and "Ilha" Cheese Bruschetta | Bruschetta au Sardine et Fromage “Ilha"
Bruschetta de Beringela, Alho e Manjericão €5,00
Aubergine, Basil and Garlic Bruschetta | Bruschetta au Aubergine, Basilic et Ail
Canned Fish | Conserves de Poisson
Sardinhas em Azeite e Especiarias €7,00
Sardines in Olive Oil and Spices | Sardines à l'Huile d'Olive et aux Épices
Filete de Atum em Azeite e Especiarias €7,00
Fillet of Tuna in Olive Oil with Spices | Thon à l'Huile d'Olive et aux Épices
Bacalhau à Portuguesa €7,00
Codfish Portuguese | Morue à la Portugaise
Filetes de Cavala em Azeite €7,00
Mackerel Fillets in Olive Oil | Filets de Maquereaux à l'Huile d'Olive
Doce da Casa - Chocolate, Noz e Vinho do Porto €4,50
House Dessert - Chocolate, Wallnuts and Porto Wine | Gâteau de la Maison - Chocolat, Noix et Porto
Delícia de Frutos Silvestres €5,00
Red Fruits Delight Red Fruits, Chantily and Cookies | Délice aux Fruits Sauvages, Chantilly et Biscuit
Bolo de Requeijão com Gelado e Creme de Nata €5,00
Cottage Cheese Cake with Ice Cream | Gâteau au Fromage Blanc avec Crème Glacée
Baba de Camelo €4,50
Camel Babe (Caramel Mousse) | Bébé Chameau (Mousse au Caramel)
Leite Creme de Abóbora €4,50
Pumpkin Cream Milk | Lait à la Crème de Potiron
Leave your opinion

Terceira visita à Fangas Maior - Bom atendimento e boa comida.
Bom ambiente.
Boa localização, no centro histórico de Coimbra.

Janeiro 6, 2023
Cantinho no coração de Coimbra - O atendimento complementa a experiência belíssima que é um jantar no Fangas.
Para além da carta de vinhos, o menu de degustação oferece escolhas interessantes.
Irei voltar para... read more este restaurante bem no coração de Coimbra.

Novembro 23, 2022
Local bem no centro da cidade universitária.
Excelente comida, bom atendimento e com uma decoração simples mas confortável e acolhedora.
Nas suas paredes podemos ver algumas placas de ruas de... read more Coimbra como admirar uma obra sobre atriz Eunice Muñoz.
Parabéns a toda a equipe que faz parte do Fangas.
Só uma nota de rodapé: podiam ter umas garrafas de vinho branco pequenas.

Setembro 13, 2022

Really tasty food and friendly staff
Maio 5, 2022
Just as good as Fangas Veg, but with some different options. Still some very good vegetarian options among those. Great food, great service.
Abril 28, 2022
The food here was amazing and very well presented. The staff were very kind and helpful with children. So far, this was my favourite restaurant in Portugal.
Abril 19, 2022

We had a delicious meal with family at the restaurant. It was recommended to us by the Republica Guesthouse. The choice of dishes was excellent. Loved the cheeseboard to start with and the duck with figs was the best ever ( everything tasted amazing it was hard to pick a favourite). Dessert was totally yummy! We highly recommend trying this place. Sandra and Vitor ( visiting from the UK).
Abril 20, 2022serviço e comida Magnifica adorei o Pato
Dezembro 30, 2020Lugar aconchegante em uma parte bonita da cidade
Outubro 1, 2020 -
Fantástica ubicación y decoración, excelente calidad y servicio... pero precios desproporcionados... una copa de vinho verde normalito 4€... han batido record en Portugal y llevo más de 100 restaurantes.
Agosto 29, 2020Excelente calidad precio. Atención estupenda en un magnífico entorno.
Agosto 26, 2020
BOOKINGS: (+351) 934 093 636
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Make your reservation now, be it a romantic dinner, with friends, family or business
We accept groups of up to 40 people